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What our users and hires say about us...


Name: Anne-Marie, Laura, Brenda

Project: North London Cares/ Over 50s Massage

Have long have you been coming to KTCC? 4 Years; since it opened. We come here for the company and the friendship

What makes KTCC special? It is a safe, welcoming environment. A warm place to be. Everybody is really good at their job.

What would you like to improve? Nothing really.

How would you describe KTCC in one word? Brilliant!


Name: Mordechi

Project: Cocaine Anonymous 

Have long have you been coming to KTCC? 3 years

What makes KTCC special? Staff are very friendly. We are a non-profit organisation and they let us use a space for free

What would you like to improve? Parking. Many people come here by car and they don’t know where to park.

How would you describe KTCC in one word? Warm and welcoming.


Name: Bandini

Project: ESOL (Working Men’s College)

Have long have you been coming to KTCC? Since September, I come once a week for the ESOL class.

What makes KTCC special? It’s a very warm space.

What would you like to improve? I wish the staff was more extroverted. I am not shy, so it is not a problem that particularly affects me, but it would be nice if someone introduced themselves when I first started.

How would you describe KTCC in one word? Fun.


Name: Michael

Project: Dance for the Over 50s/ NLC

Have long have you been coming to KTCC? 2 years and a half

What makes KTCC special? I love that everybody is really friendly. When you enter the centre, they look at you, they smile and say “Hi, good morning, how are you today?”. It makes you feel like you are someone, like you matter.

What would you like to improve? Nothing, because you are the number 1,

How would you describe KTCC in one word? Fantastic.


Name: Julian

Project: Martial Arts Instructor

Have long have you been coming to KTCC? 2 years and 3 months

What makes KTCC special? People are really friendly and very flexible. If I call last minute to change my booking, everybody is willing to help me.

What would you like to improve? Parking.

How would you describe KTCC in one word? Helpful.


Name: Emma

Project: Pilates

Have long have you been coming to KTCC? 4 years

What makes KTCC special? Well, firstly, you provide me with free yoga mats. The dance studio is lovely, everybody says that. The management is lovely as well. And the price is very good, especially compared to other places that offer the same service.

What would you like to improve? Maybe the website could be more easily accessible.

How would you describe KTCC in one word? Reliable. I can always count on having the dance studio every week. Another word would be encouraging.


Hearing from you..


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